Travel grants for students studying abroad or on placements (England)

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1. Overview

You may get a grant to cover some of your travel expenses if you normally live in England and any of the following apply:

  • you’re studying abroad as part of your course
  • you’re on a study or work placement through the Erasmus, Turing or Taith schemes
  • you’re a medical or dental student studying abroad or attending a clinical placement in the UK

You do not have to pay back a travel grant. There are rules on eligibility and how much you’ll get.

There’s a different process if you’re a student from Scotland, student from Wales or student from Northern Ireland.

2. What you'll get

The amount you get depends on your total household income. This means your income, if you have one, combined with that of your parents or guardians, or spouse or partner if you live with them. Do not count income from other family members you live with.

You must pay the first £303 of your travel costs - and your travel grant will be reduced by £1 for each £8.73 of household income over £39,796.

Keep your travel costs as low as possible without being impractical.

If you’re on a study or work placement abroad

You can apply for:

  • up to 3 return journeys between your home and the overseas institution during a full academic year abroad
  • help with essential expenses, medical insurance and travel visas

You may be able to apply for your children’s travel costs if you’re a single parent.

If you’re doing a clinical placement in the UK

You can apply for travel costs between your home and the hospital or facility where you’re doing your placement.

3. Eligibility

Your permanent home address must be in England.

If you’re on a study or work placement abroad

You must attend an overseas institution for at least half of each academic term. This period of study can be compulsory or optional.

You can also get a travel grant if you’re on:

Other work placements do not count.

You cannot apply for grants to cover the same expenses more than once.

If you’re doing a clinical placement in the UK

The placement must be an essential part of your medical or dental course. You will not get a travel grant if you’re eligible for means-tested bursaries or awards from the Department of Health.

You can apply if you get student finance that depends on your household income, for example a Maintenance Loan or Maintenance Grant.

4. How to apply

  1. Apply for student finance using your student finance account. You can register and set up an account if you do not already have one.

  2. You’ll then receive a course abroad form.

  3. Once you’ve filled in and returned the form, you’ll automatically receive a travel grant form if you’re eligible.

Keep all receipts for any expenses you want to apply for - you’ll need to send copies when you apply.

The money will be paid directly into your bank account.

If you’re doing a clinical placement in the UK

After applying for student finance for clinical study you’ll automatically receive a travel grant form if you’re eligible.