Software Developer Customer Satisfaction Survey 2013

This Survey is for Software Developers only

Please note that we cannot guarantee the security of emails you send to us or we send to you over the internet. Information sent by email over the internet is not secure and is at risk of being intercepted and read by people other than those it was intended for. Any information you send to us by email is at your own risk.

All form fields marked with an* (asterisk) are required

1. Would you please supply the following information







Please choose at least one of the following options.
Hold down CTRL to select more than one option.

Web Pages

3. How would you rate the Software Developer pages for:
Style and layout

Please choose one of the following options


Please choose one of the following options


Please choose one of the following options

If you have any comments or suggestions on how we could improve the effectiveness of the Software Developer web pages please note these and the name of the service below:

Technical Packs

The Internet Technical Packs and the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Message Implementation Guides (MIGs) contain the business rules, schema and other relevant technical information to support the development of your product

4. How do you rate the Technical Packs/MIGs for:
Style and layout

Please choose one of the following options


Please choose one of the following options

If you have any comments or suggestions on how we could improve the effectiveness of our Technical Packs/MIGs, please note these below, providing the name of the service, Technical Pack and/or document(s) where appropriate:

5. How do you rate the support given by the Software Developer
Support Team using the technical packs and MIGs?

Please choose one of the following options

Test Services

Not all Services have a Test Service. Please only complete question 6 if your Service has TPVS/VSIPS.
6. How do you rate the support given by the Software Developer
Support Team using the test services?
Test Service Support

Please choose one of the following options

Service availability updates

Please choose one of the following options

The Software Developer Support Team also provide tools for you to use to support your testing - Local Test Service (LTS) and the Desk Top Checker (DTC).

7. How do you rate the support given to you by the Software
Developer Support Team in using the tools?

Please choose one of the following options

If you have any comments or suggestions on how we could improve the effectiveness of HMRC test services and/or the tools and their support, please note these below, providing the name of the service, Technical Pack and/or document(s) where appropriate:


8. How well does SDST consult?
You on new initiatives?

Please choose one of the following options

You on changes to services?

Please choose one of the following options

With your Representative Body (if applicable)?

Please choose one of the following options

If you have any comments or suggestions on how the Software Developer Support Team and HMRC in general could improve consultation with Software Developers, please note these and the name of the service below:

Support from the Software Developer Support Team

9. How do you rate the Software Developer Support Team
telephone and email support for:
Speed of handling your telephone queries?

Please choose one of the following options

Updating you with progress on your telephone query?

Please choose one of the following options

Clarity and ease of understanding of telephone responses?

Please choose one of the following options

Speed of handling your email queries?

Please choose one of the following options

Updating you with progress on your email enquiry?

Please choose one of the following options

Clarity and ease of understanding of email responses?

Please choose one of the following options

General customer service?

Please choose one of the following options

If you have any comments or suggestions on how we could improve the effectiveness of our telephone and email support, please note these and the name of the service below:

The Software Developer Support Team host service specific forums to consult with Software Developers and keep them informed of any issues or changes that might affect them.

10. How do you rate the Software Developer Support Team
organised Developer Forums for:
Timing of forums?

Please choose one of the following options

Content of forums?

Please choose one of the following options

Effectiveness of forums?

Please choose one of the following options

If you have any comments or suggestions on how we could improve the effectiveness of our forums, please note these and the name of the service below:

If you have any comments or suggestions on how we could improve the effectiveness of our service, please note these below:

Thank you for taking part in this survey. Your feedback is valuable in improving our support of software developers.

Please note that we may want to contact you again by telephone or email to discuss your feedback. If you do not want us to contact you, please let us know.

If you have any doubt about the authenticity of an email you receive which claims to come from HMRC please do not follow any links within the email, disclose any personal details or respond to it. Forward it to us at:

Results from this survey can be found by following the link: Improving our customer support