Your National Insurance number

You have a National Insurance number to make sure your National Insurance contributions and tax are recorded against your name only.

Your National Insurance number remains the same for life. It’s made up of 2 letters, 6 numbers and a final letter.

For example, QQ123456B

You’ll usually get a letter confirming your National Insurance number shortly before your 16th birthday. This will be sent to the address HMRC has for you.

If you need your National Insurance number

Your National Insurance number will be on tax-related documents like your payslip or P60. You can also get a letter with it on and find your National Insurance number online.

If you’ve never had a National Insurance number

You can apply for a National Insurance number if you’ve never had one.

Keeping your National Insurance number safe

To prevent identity fraud, do not share your National Insurance number with anyone who does not need it.

These organisations may need to know what your number is:

  • HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • your employer
  • the Department for Work and Pensions (which includes Jobcentre Plus and the Pension, Disability and Carers Service), if you claim state benefits, or in Northern Ireland the Department for Social Development
  • your local council, if you claim Housing Benefit, or the Northern Ireland Housing Executive
  • Electoral Registration Officers (to check your identity when you register to vote)
  • the Student Loans Company, if you apply for a student loan
  • your pension provider if you have a personal or stakeholder pension
  • your Individual Savings Account (ISA) provider, if you open an ISA
  • authorised financial service providers who help you buy and sell investments like shares, bonds and derivatives - you can check if your provider is authorised
  • Veterans UK