PAYE11040 - Coding: codes: how they are used and calculated: P2 notes

There are a number of  P2 notes that explain how a customer’s tax code is made up.  The notes are generated automatically based on the allowances and deductions in the customer's code.  The table below gives a list of coding descriptors and the explanatory note.  All the notes will be numbered consecutively on the P2, if Personal Allowances are present these will be note 1.

Subsequent note numbers will vary depending on the customers’ circumstances.

The note explaining the tax-free amount also shows how much will be charged at the different tax bands and when the higher rate band starts.

The table is presented as follows

Reliefs and Expenses



P2 Description

P2 Standard Note

Blind Person’s Allowance

Blind person's allowance

This is an extra amount of tax-free allowance. This means you can earn more before you start paying Income Tax. For more information go to

Personal Allowance

Personal Allowance

This is the standard amount of taxable income most people can have before they start paying Income Tax. If your total income exceeds £[taper start], your allowance goes down proportionally.

Personal Savings Allowance

Note: this will no longer be displayed from November 2017 as this will be applied as a zero-rate band

Personal Savings Allowance

This is the tax-free amount in respect of your personal savings.

Married Couple’s allowance (aged 75 and over and one of couple born before 6 April 1935)

Married couple's allowance

This is based on your total income and is due if you are married or in a civil partnership, and living together, and at least one partner was born before [201]. This is subject to an income limit which changes every year. If your adjusted net income exceeds the limit, your allowance goes down proportionally. Tax relief is given at [202]% of the allowance. For more information go to

Wife’s Married Couple’s allowance (Form 18 election made)

Transfer of Married couple's allowance

This is an extra amount of tax-free allowance that has been transferred to you from your partner

Married Couple’s allowance from husband

Transfer of Married couple's allowance

This is an extra amount of tax-free allowance that has been transferred to you from your partner.

Surplus Married Couple’s allowance transferred to wife

Transfer of Married Couple’s Allowance

This is the married couple’s allowance you have transferred to your partner.

Marriage Allowance

Recipient (Suffix M) - Transfer of Allowance

Your partner applied to transfer some of their Personal Allowance to you.   If you are married or in a registered civil partnership and do not pay tax above the basic rate you can receive some of your partner’s Personal Allowance so you can pay less tax.  From 06 / 04 / [TAX YEAR] the amount you can receive is £[AMOUNT].
Marriage Allowance

Transferor (Suffix N) - Transfer of Allowance

You applied to transfer some of your Personal Allowance to your partner.   If you are married or in a registered civil partnership and do not pay tax above the basic rate you can transfer some of your Personal Allowance to your partner so they can pay less tax.  You transferred £[AMOUNT] to your partner this year.

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Reliefs and Expenses


P2 Description

P2 Standard Note

Concessional Relief

Concessional relief

This is tax relief for things like a gift of shares to charity or other qualifying investments.

Trade Union / Friendly Society or Widows and Orphans

Death, sickness and funeral benefits

This is the tax relief for one half of your trade union subscriptions that relates to superannuation, life assurance or death benefits paid by the union, up to a maximum of £100.

Double Taxation Relief

Double taxation relief

This is the Tax Relief given because you have paid foreign tax on your foreign income. For more information go to

Enterprise Investment Scheme

Enterprise investment relief

This is the estimated tax relief for money you invested in a business enterprise.

Flat Rate Job Expenses

Flat rate job expenses

This is the tax relief for expenses associated with your employment for things like tools and specialist clothing.

Job Expenses

Job expenses

This is the estimated tax relief for any expenses associated with your employment for travel or things you must buy for your job.

Professional Subscriptions

Professional subscriptions

This is the tax relief for subscriptions you pay to an HMRC-approved professional body.

Foreign Pension Allowance

Foreign pension allowance

This is the tax relief you are entitled to in respect of your foreign pension.

Charity Gifts Relief

Charitable Donation

Your donations to charity or to community amateur sports clubs (CASCs) are tax-free. As we expect you to pay some higher rate tax you will be entitled to relief on your donations to charity.

Personal Pension Relief

Personal Pension Relief

This is the tax relief you have claimed for your personal pension contributions because you pay Income Tax at a higher rate. Basic rate tax relief is given at source by your pension provider.

Loan Interest

Loan Interest

This is the estimated tax relief for interest you pay on a qualifying loan. Let us know if you expect to pay off this loan during the year.


Loss relief

This is the tax relief given for business losses you have claimed.

Maintenance Payments (one of couple born before 6 April 1935)

Maintenance payments

You are entitled to tax relief at 10% on this. Please tell us when your payments stop or the child becomes 21.

Retirement Annuity Payments

Payments towards a retirement annuity

This is the tax relief for the amount you pay towards a retirement annuity each year.

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P2 Description

P2 Standard Note

Adjustment to tax rate bands

Adjustment to tax rate bands

We have included this adjustment as you have more than one job or pension and we estimate some of your income is taxable at a higher rate

Personal Pension Annuity

Personal Pension Annuity

We use your tax-free allowances against your personal pension annuity income so you pay tax on this.

Balancing Charge

Balancing charge

This has been included for the tax you pay on the sale of your assets.

Dividend Tax Dividend Tax This is to collect the basic rate of tax due on your dividend income.

Service Benefit

Service benefit

You pay tax on long-service rewards your employer(s) provide(s) you.

Car Benefit

Car benefit

This is given to you (or your family) to use privately, including for journeys between home and work. You pay tax based on the value of the company car. You can check these details or change your car online by going to  You must verify your identity when you use the online service for the first time.

Fuel Benefit

Fuel benefit

Note 99 Fuel Benefit This is the fuel your employer(s) provide (for you or your family) to use privately, including for journeys between home and work. You can change these details online by going to

Charitable Donation Adjustment (Taxed Annual Payments)

Charitable Donation adjustment

You have not paid enough tax to cover the amount of tax reclaimed by your charity. We have reduced your tax-free allowance to recover the amount due.



We use your tax-free allowances against this income so you pay tax on this.

Benefits in Kind

Benefits in Kind

You pay tax on any taxable benefits or taxable expenses your employer(s) provide(s) you.

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

Employment and Support Allowance

This is taxable but tax is not taken off this benefit before it is paid to you.  We use your tax-free allowance against your benefit so you pay tax on this.

Job Expenses Job Expenses This is the estimated expenses associated with your employment for travel or things you must buy for your job. You will receive tax relief on the amount you claim at the rate of tax you pay.

Jobseeker’s Allowance

Jobseeker's allowance

This is taxable but tax is not taken off this benefit before it is paid to you. We use your tax-free allowances against this benefit so you pay tax on this.

Forces Pension

Forces pension

This is taxable but tax is not taken off this income before it is paid to you. We use your tax-free allowances against this income so you pay tax on this.

Untaxed Interest

Interest without tax taken off

This is interest paid to you before tax is taken off. We have reduced your tax-free allowance so you pay tax on this income.

Beneficial Loan

Employer Loan Benefit

You pay tax on the difference between the interest rate you pay to your employer and the official rate of interest set by the Bank of England.

Medical Insurance

Medical insurance

You pay tax on any taxable benefits or expenses your employer(s) provide(s) you.

Other Earnings (Not Earnings)

Other earnings

We use your tax-free allowances against your other income so you pay tax on this.

Other Earnings (Earned Income)

Other earnings

We use your tax-free allowances against your other income so you pay tax on this.

Other Income (not earnings) for example untaxed investment income or foreign income

Other income (not earnings)

We use your tax-free allowances against your other income so you pay tax on this.

Occupational Pension

Other pension

We use your tax-free allowances against your other income so you pay tax on this.

Part Time Earnings

Part time earnings

We use your tax-free allowances against your other income so you pay tax on this.

Non cash benefit

Previous employer benefits

Where tax is not taken off before it is paid to you. We use your tax-free allowances against this income so you pay tax on this.

Property Income

Property income

This is the rental income that you get from property or land. We use your tax-free allowances against this income so you pay tax on this.

Public Service Pension

Public services pension

We use your tax-free allowances against your public service pension income so you pay tax on this.

Underpayment Amount

Underpayment restriction present

We previously told you that you owe £<UPC> tax from an earlier tax year. We have therefore included an adjustment to reduce your tax-free allowance by £<UPR> so we can collect the £<UPC> tax in equal instalments. To make sure you pay the £<UPC> by 5 April <YYYY>, we will increase the amount of tax deducted from your wage, salary or pension

Outstanding Debt amount

Reduction to collect unpaid Self-Assessment Outstanding Debt

This is the outstanding debt you owe HMRC from a previous year. You owe £[204].  This is due to individual debt(s) as follows:

- and/or SA:£[amount]
- Tax Credit NTC:£[amount]

Class 2 NIC

Class 2: £[amount]
- --

To collect this we divide the total amount by the rate of tax you pay to calculate an adjustment to your tax-free allowance. Note: The P2 will only show the type of debt coded out, it will not show nil values

Child Benefit

Child Benefit Charge

This is a deduction to recover the Child Benefit you or your partner receives as we expect your income to exceed £[minimum income limit]. We will check this when we receive your tax return for the year to 5 April [CCYY]. For more information about Child Benefit go to

Savings income taxable at higher rate

Higher Rate Tax Adjustment

Up to 5 April 2016, interest from bank or building societies or company dividends is usually taxed before being paid to you. From 6 April 2016 the majority of bank/building society investments will be paid gross without tax deducted.

Taxable Expenses Payment

Taxable expenses payments

This is a payment made by your employer for using your own car to carry out your employers business. We have reduced your tax-free allowance so you pay tax on this.

Incapacity Benefit

Taxable incapacity benefit

This is taxable but tax is not taken off this benefit before it is paid to you. We use your tax-free allowances against this benefit so you pay tax on this.



You pay tax on any taxable benefits or expenses your employer(s) provide(s) you.



We use your tax-free allowance against your tips so you pay tax on this.

Van Benefit

Van benefit

This is given to you (or your family) to use for more than just your journeys to and from work. You pay tax on this benefit.

Van Fuel (where Van Benefit in code)

Van Fuel benefit

This is the fuel your employer provides for private motoring in your company van.

Annual amount of state pension present and not a CY start date Note: this would be the state pension message we always expect in annual coding

State pension

This income is taxable but tax is not taken off the payments before they are paid to you.  We use your tax-free allowance against your pension so you pay tax on this. If your State Pension is paid every four weeks you will receive 13 payments in a year. You don’t pay National Insurance contributions when you reach State Pension age so your employer(s) or pension provider(s) should not take National Insurance contributions from you. For more information go to

Annual amount of state pension present and CY start date

State Pension

This income is taxable but tax is not taken off the payments before they are paid to you.  We use your tax-free allowance against your pension so you pay tax on this. Although we have shown the estimated State Pension for the full year, we know you won't receive the full amount this year. We have adjusted your tax-free allowance so you will only pay tax on the amount you actually receive. You don’t pay National Insurance contributions when you reach State Pension age so your employer(s) or pension provider(s) should not take National Insurance contributions from you. For more information go to

State Pension present, not Annual amount State Pension

This income is taxable but tax is not taken off the payments before they are paid to you.  We use your tax-free allowance against your pension so you pay tax on this. We have reduced your tax-free amount by the estimated amount of pension we think you will receive this year. You don’t pay National Insurance contributions when you reach State Pension age so your employer(s) or pension provider(s) should not take National Insurance contributions from you. For more information go to

State Benefits present

State Benefits. Note: Where State Pension and State Benefits are received in the same year the P2 will show separate amounts but IABD summary will show the total amount

This income is taxable but tax is not taken off the payments before they are paid to you.  We use your tax-free allowance against your benefit so you pay tax on this. We have reduced your tax-free amount by the estimated amount of benefits we think you will receive this year.
When allowance allocated against a source that has ceased Income Now Ended There is a difference between your total tax-free amount for the year and the amount allocated to your current employment(s)/pension(s) income. This difference is the amount that was allocated to employment(s) that have ceased this year and are therefore not displayed on this form.