TCM0152100 - Notes - recording and viewing: Household Notes - deletion (Info)

The maximum number of Household Notes that can be held on a claim is 25 retained notes in total and 100 for each year for tax year-based notes. If additional notes are needed, you may need to delete an existing note. This section of the manual tells you the action to take when deleting a note.

Notes in the following categories must only be deleted by staff who work in

  • Appeals
  • Complaints
  • Compliance
  • Debt Recovery
  • Payments.

Retained notes should only be deleted by the individual or area who entered the note.

Note: Ask your manager if you’re unsure whether a retained note should be deleted, or transferred to the tax year-based notes.

If a note relates to Manual Payments, Mismatch claims, Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payments (PIP) or Attendance Allowance claims, or indicates that the claim has been manually captured, you must not delete it as the message is essential information for other processes.

If a note relates to any information that has been entered by a specialist area - for example PFA, STU, CCRT, Valuables, Bank Liaison, Resolution, PVE, UK Complex Team - it’s essential that you make checks with that section before deleting.

If a clerical workaround has been done on a case you must not delete any notes that relate to this.

There is an Action Guide for this subject, select TCM015120 to access it