Expenses and benefits: Christmas bonuses

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1. Overview

As an employer providing Christmas bonuses to your employees, you have certain tax, National Insurance and reporting obligations.

This depends on:

  • whether you give cash bonuses or goods (gifts) to an employee
  • if you give goods to an employee, whether or not they can be resold for cash

2. What to report and pay

You may have to report any Christmas bonuses to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), and deduct and pay tax and National Insurance on them.

Cash bonus

Any cash you give to employees as a Christmas bonus counts as earnings, so you’ll need to:

  • add the value to your employee’s other earnings
  • deduct and pay Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax and Class 1 National Insurance through payroll


If you give goods as Christmas gifts, and they can’t be counted as trivial benefits, you must:

3. Work out the value

The amount you need to report depends on the type of bonus you provide.

Cash bonuses

Use the amount you pay to the employee.

Goods with no resale value

Use the amount the goods cost you.

Goods with cash resale value

Use whichever is the higher of:

  • the resale value
  • the amount the goods cost you

4. Technical guidance

The following guides contain more detailed information: