Business expenses for the self-employed > Self-employed Business Expenses

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What's in the guide for you?
This section tells you about what we mean by 'allowable', how to separate private and business use and what to do about expenses before your business has even started.
Important things you need to know
How to separate business use from private use
Pre-trading expenses
What about record keeping?
Making Tax Digital for Business
Find out what we mean by revenue 'day to day' expenses and some of the typical allowable business expenses.
Running costs
Car, van and travel expenses
Premises costs
Telephone, fax, stationery and other office costs
Mobile phones and landlines
Some other typical expenses
Meet John
Allowable or not?
Here we tell you about claiming allowable expenses on larger items that you use in your business.
What you can claim capital allowances on
Annual investment allowance
First year allowances
Writing down allowances
Business cars and other vehicles
This section is all about using flat rates for certain expenses rather than working out the business part of some expenses.
So what are simplified expenses?
The three simplified expenses schemes
Vehicle costs
Working from home
Working from home rates and information
Living at your business premises
Living at your business premises-example
Find useful weblinks and also the top FAQs taken from customers on our self-employed webinars.
Useful weblinks
Top Ten FAQs (1)
Top Ten FAQs (2)
v.1 14/12/15